Der var adidas gazelle dame en stigning i omsætningen, der nåede 4,2 milliarder euro. Og den tidligere markedsforventning er blevet realiseret gennem dette. Ifølge den tidligere forventning fra en analytiker, der har modtaget interviewet fra Reuters, vil Adidas-koncernen have en omsætning på 4,15 milliarder euro, og nettoresultatet vil blive 335 millioner euro. Den eksklusive detailbutik var den vigtigste faktor, der fremmer stigningen Adidas-koncernens resultater i tredje kvartal. Der er næsten ingen vækst i engroshandel. Der var en procentvis stigning i Adidas omsætning i Østeuropa, Kina og Latinamerika efter valutakursreguleringen, og stigningen var den største.
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Many athletes fancy Adidas shoes in excess of other shoe companies as a result of numerous benefits that they get from using them. Actually, running shoes produced by Adidas are among the very beneficial ones a professional runner may have. The shoes are manufactured from suede material to make certain they are soft and gentle, which is an important criteria for running shoes.Moreover; the FTSE Social Responsibility Index also included Adidas. What's more, since 2000, Adidas was the sole company of sports articles, which published reports of sustainable development every year.
This Initiative aims to improve the cotton industry's adidas classic shoes environmental footprint. As a part of the Group's environmental protection strategy, Adidas promises to put better cottons into the use of one hundred percent products. Simon Cartwright added: "The 2012 London Olympic Games let us set a new goal". "In the sustainable development domain, our progress will be accelerated with the help of it". "In the Olympic Games, we can see the process by ourselves". "Viewers will have a look at the most exciting sustainable development products in the London Olympic Games' tennis match", said him.So when you are watch Murray or Tsonga play, you can be at full ease.